Story of the Seed Lab Report
Collards: Water vs. Lemonade

Collards: Water vs. Lemonade
Introduction: As we know everyone likes lemonade. My group began to wonder, while drinking some ice cold lemonade, whether or not plants would also like the acidic and delicious drink. When we received our collards, we instantly realized we would get our chance to test this question we all had.

Water Vs Lemonade
Purpose: To test whether or not Lemonade will increase the growth rate of collard plants.
Hypothesis: We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize, the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group of water will let the plants flourish
-lemon juice
-Collard Seeds
-Graduated cylinders
1.Obtain 3 pots,soil, water, and some lemon juice.
2. Fill each pot with an even amount of the same potting soil and plant as many collard seeds as you would like in each pot.
3. Label the pots lemonade, 40% lemon juice,(our experimental groups) and water(our control group).
4. Find a place where each of the plants receive equal sunlight.
5.Water each plant with an equal amount of each solution.
6. Repeat step 5 for as many weeks as it takes for the collards to grow.
7. Record and analyze data every 3 days.
Observation & Data: In our lab we fed each group of seeds water, lemon juice, or mixture depending on the different group. Here are the observations that we recorded:
Days 1-4 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - the seeds started to sprout
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds stayed the same
Days 5-7 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew up to an inch
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds started to sprout
Days 8-10 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew 2 centimeters longer
*Lemon Juice - seeds stayed the same
*Mixture - the seeds stayed the same as the last recording
After a few more days the water seeds grew but the others had stopped. Which means that water is the best liquid for a plant to grow and survive. To summarize the data here is a table:
____ Lemon Juice _______ Mixture ___________ Water __________
# of Days: 1-4 1-4 1-4
Data Analysis: The control group of our experiment grew the fastest and tallest. Within the first 10 days it was 2 cnetimenters long. The mixture was the second fastest to grow even though they only sprouted in the first 10 days. The pure lemon juice killed the seeds and began to grow mold.
Discussion: Our hypothesis is "We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group will let the plants flourish." During this experiment our hypothesis was been proven correct. Even though the mixture group did sprout, it did not fully grow as much as the control group.
During this experiment we also were able to answer our questions that we had before the lab.
Question 1: Would the seeds that are being feed lemon juice and the mixture of lemon juice and water grow?
Answer to question 1: The seeds the had been feed the mixture did sprout, but the group of seeds that had been fed the lemon juice didn't sprout. They stayed the same.
Question 2: Which group of seeds would grow the most?
Answer to question 2: The group of seeds that grew the most was the control group. Since they have been fed water, and was shown in the lab that water was the best liquid to feed the seeds out of the 3 liquids chosen.
We also came up with 2 questions after we finished the lab.
Other questions after we finished the lab:
Is there another liquid that can help plants grow as much as water?
If there is, then what is it?
Through out this experiment we learned something that we did wrong at the end on the lab. Once we finnish recording our data, we are supposed to plant the seeds. But after we finished recording our data, we forgot to keep feeding the seeds, ending with dried up soil and dead seeds. We learned that we must keep feeding our seeds so that would not die.
For our experiment we don't think we could improve on the lab, besides feeding the plants everyday after recording all our data at the end of the experiment.
In the end, this lab had proven our hypothesis to be correct, by the control group (water) being able to help the plant grow the most.
5.Water each plant with an equal amount of each solution.
6. Repeat step 5 for as many weeks as it takes for the collards to grow.
7. Record and analyze data every 3 days.
Observation & Data: In our lab we fed each group of seeds water, lemon juice, or mixture depending on the different group. Here are the observations that we recorded:
Days 1-4 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - the seeds started to sprout
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds stayed the same
Days 5-7 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew up to an inch
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds started to sprout
Days 8-10 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew 2 centimeters longer
*Lemon Juice - seeds stayed the same
*Mixture - the seeds stayed the same as the last recording
After a few more days the water seeds grew but the others had stopped. Which means that water is the best liquid for a plant to grow and survive. To summarize the data here is a table:
____ Lemon Juice _______ Mixture ___________ Water __________
# of Days: 1-4 1-4 1-4
Growth: No growth No growth Started to sprout
# of Days: 5-7 5-7 5-7
Growth: No growth Started to sprout The seed's stem grew an inch
# of Days: 8-10 8-10 8-10
Growth: No growth Stayed the same as last recording The seed's stem grew 2 cm
Data Analysis: The control group of our experiment grew the fastest and tallest. Within the first 10 days it was 2 cnetimenters long. The mixture was the second fastest to grow even though they only sprouted in the first 10 days. The pure lemon juice killed the seeds and began to grow mold.
Discussion: Our hypothesis is "We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group will let the plants flourish." During this experiment our hypothesis was been proven correct. Even though the mixture group did sprout, it did not fully grow as much as the control group.
During this experiment we also were able to answer our questions that we had before the lab.
Question 1: Would the seeds that are being feed lemon juice and the mixture of lemon juice and water grow?
Answer to question 1: The seeds the had been feed the mixture did sprout, but the group of seeds that had been fed the lemon juice didn't sprout. They stayed the same.
Question 2: Which group of seeds would grow the most?
Answer to question 2: The group of seeds that grew the most was the control group. Since they have been fed water, and was shown in the lab that water was the best liquid to feed the seeds out of the 3 liquids chosen.
We also came up with 2 questions after we finished the lab.
Other questions after we finished the lab:
Is there another liquid that can help plants grow as much as water?
If there is, then what is it?
Through out this experiment we learned something that we did wrong at the end on the lab. Once we finnish recording our data, we are supposed to plant the seeds. But after we finished recording our data, we forgot to keep feeding the seeds, ending with dried up soil and dead seeds. We learned that we must keep feeding our seeds so that would not die.
For our experiment we don't think we could improve on the lab, besides feeding the plants everyday after recording all our data at the end of the experiment.
In the end, this lab had proven our hypothesis to be correct, by the control group (water) being able to help the plant grow the most.
Team 4-2,
ReplyDeleteYour lab report is incomplete as there is a picture of cabbage where your report states there should be a data table. Update and republish ASAP to avoid this going into the gradebook as an "I"for incomplete.
Also, the discussion says very little about issues experienced during the lab, improvements to your procedure for future experiments, and additional questions raised by this experiment.
Sorry--make that a picture of collards.
Delete4-2 Lab e-Report Score
Title: 2/2
Introduction: 2/2
Purpose: 2/2
Hypothesis: 2/2
Materials: 2/2
Procedure: 9/10 (be specific about quantities--"as many as you would like" is not precise)
Observations/Data: 10/10
Data Analysis: 9/10
Discussion: 8/10
TOTAL: 46/50
COMMENTS: Your discussion was fair, but it did have some spelling/grammar errors. Good use of images, but make sure the images you use on websites have a copyright that allows for such use.