Saturday, December 15, 2012
How Our Garden Grows
Over the past few weeks 4-2 collards have grown tremendously. From a tinny little seed they have blossomed into beautiful luscious leaves. They have transformed from a little seedling into a ready to harvest vegetable. However, we had a little help from sun to start of a cycle known non other then photosynthesis. Thanks to the sun trickling down its golden rays the light dependent reactions could occur. This when the energy is taken from the sun's rays and converted into oxygen, NADPH, and ATP. All this happens in the thylakode membrane. After all that the plant is not even close to being down. The calvin cycle still needs to occur. This is when six carbon molecules are combined with 5 carbon molecules to produce twelve 3 carbon molecule. Then, energy from ATP and energy from high energy electrons from NADPH are used to convert the tweleve 3-carbon molecules into high energy forms. Two of these 3-carbon molecules are used to make a 6-carbon sugar. The 10 remaining molecules are converted back into six 5-carbon molecules, which are used in the next cycle. Now the cells inside the plant need to go through a process called mitosis. Can be divided into 5 main stages. The first stage in prophase. this is when chromatin condenses into chromosomes and the centrioles separate. Next, metaphase has to occur. This is when all of the chromosomes line up across the cell. Now that the chromosomes are lined up anaphase can occur. This is when the sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes and are moved apart. Now that the chromosomes have been moved apart they can now gather at each end of the cell, this process is called telophase. The last step has to occur so the daughter cell has an identical set of duplicate chromosomes. This is how how 4-2 collards have been able to grow from little seedlings into a beautiful leaves.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Patricia Silva With the Story of the Seed Project
Patricia Silva learned how the collard seeds go through cellular respiration, mitosis, and photosynthesis. Playing funny games with the group and planting the seed for the first time in the rows of the planting boxes. The thing that had grossed her out was the mold from the paper towel with the seeds that were being fed lemonade. Patricia was surprised when the group's seeds stopped growing, but then realized that we haven't been feeding them water after the experiment was finished. During the lab we tested growing seeds with lemonade, water, and a mixture of both. In the end, the seeds that were being fed water did not grown. The group of seeds that were fed water grew the most, and were on track in terms of growing. Finally the seeds that were fed a mixture of both water and lemonade grew slowly, but barely grew. Next semester Patricia will be looking forward to see the collards fully blossomed and see what projects and assignments that we will be able to do. And this was an interview with Patricia about group 4-2's story of the seed project.
Story Of The Seed Interview With Abbie Meyer
The intelligent Abbie Meyer in story of the seed group 4-2 collards learned exactly how plants grow daily and how cellular respiration and mitosis works on plants. Making funny jokes with her story of the seed team has gave her a nice memorable laugh.The disgusting mold on the napkin really grossed her out,especially when she accidentally touched it. Abbie was really surprised when one of our group of seeds didn't grow, so we had to replant the seed. The seeds with the mixture didn't really grow as the seed with just lemon juice. This project was a big experience that she will remember forever. Abbie is looking really looking forward to be able to see the beautiful collards grow, and see how good it will taste in a yummy salad! Abbie Meyer is always going to remember her story of the seed group 4-2. And this has been a interview with the amazing Abbie Meyer. Go collards!
Story Of The Seed With Billy Markham
Billy, a highly motivated contributor to the 4-2 group, has had a great time working with his fellow contributors. He especially enjoyed being able to post and upload pictures of his groups work from just about anywhere. Billy also had a great time when we were able to water and plant our collards in the garden. However, Billy was not one for posting his work at home. He found it difficult to sometime sit down and write about our collards. However, Billy persevered on and has been a great addition to our story of the seed group. Billy's favorite part about working with the collards is when he learned about how every second million upon millions of cells are going through transcription and producing strands of RNA to help in the process of protein; or going through the process of mitosis when the cell lines up all of its chromosomes and gets ready to split away to become an entirely different new cell. As a result, Billy looks forward to when he will be able to plant again and sample the fruits of our groups labor.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Seed Stories with Lauren Woolner
Lauren, a solid hard working member of story of the seed group 4-2, had a great experience working in the garden and on the collard colony blog site. She enjoyed working with others and contributing to the growth of all of ms. Bursch's classes. She also enjoyed working on the new Mac Book Airs and posting on the blog. Using technology for learning and working daily, was a new experience for Lauren and also something to look forward to. However, she didn't enjoy working a ton with the plants. Getting and down dirty is not Lauren's thing. Lauren has pulled a lot out of learning about and planting the classes plants. She realized in each plant their are billions of processes going on every second like making proteins through transcription and translation or creating sugar and oxygen through photosynthesis. In all she has thoroughly enjoyed working in our group nurturing our plants. She says she will want to get the chance to try her collards when they are fully grown and ready to be consumed
How Does Your Garden Grow
From planting collars on a napkin to now in a garden, I have seen a big difference. From a tiny seed to now a half grown plant. The water and sunlight have really helped our collards grow. The sunlight helped our collards grow through photosynthesis. The cells in our plant are going through mitosis. The glucose from the plant was used for cellar respiration producing ATP, energy molecules.
ATP molecules help growth in our collards, also to keep them healthy and alive. Thanks to photosynthesis, mitosis, and cellular respiration it has helped our collards stay alive and healthy and look beautiful like they do to this day.
ATP molecules help growth in our collards, also to keep them healthy and alive. Thanks to photosynthesis, mitosis, and cellular respiration it has helped our collards stay alive and healthy and look beautiful like they do to this day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Over the weeks story of the seed group 4-2 has been growing collards. From a seed they blossomed almost into full grown and beautiful collards. Once a week we would water the plants (not to mention that the rain helped water them as as well. Every time we visit our collards we could observe the amount of growth. Every day it would have enough sun in order to have photosynthesis. The collards are taking in sunlight that goes through many stages. The first stage is light dependent reactions, which takes place in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts, that is when the energy captured from the sunlight is converted into ATP, NADPH and oxygen. Those are then use in the second stage called the calvin cycle, which takes place in the stoma of the chloroplasts. This is when they use ATP and NADPH to make high energy sugars. Not only that, but going through cellular respiration to which is when the collards which is when the energy is released from the plant by breaking down food molecules. Finally Mitosis also known as cell division helped our collards grow. In Mitosis there are 5 stages, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis, to split cells. Prophase, the first stage, chromosomes become visible, the centrioles separate and go to both sides of the nucleus. Then the spindle helps take apart the chromosome, and this leads up to Metaphase. Metaphase is when the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell, and the microtubules attach to them. Then in Anaphase, the centromeres detach from the sister chromatids and then become individual chromosomes. After Anaphase, Telophase starts when the chromosomes disappear and a nuclear envelope starts to cover the chromosomes. Finally Cytokinesis finishes it up with 2 nuclei and duplicate chromosomes and puts the rest of the cell together. All in all, these three things have helped our collards become healthy and beautiful.
Below is a picture of them currently.
Below is a picture of them currently.
Monday, December 10, 2012
How Our Garden Grows
Since being first watered on a napkin, our collards have been growing and reproducing. The cells of our plants are constantly going through mitosis. The sun and the rain as well as our house watering have fead them through photosynthesis turning CO2 and H2O into glucose and oxygen.
The enzymes would be made in the plant by the nucleus getting a signal to release the wanted gene for Transcription. The DNA is then subscribed into a RNA strand or the mRNA. The mRNA goes into the cytoplasm and goes to a ribosome. The ribosome then translate nucleotides into amino acids. The amino acids then form the wanted codon pattern. The polypeptide chain will then be folded and then the enzyme is ready to work in the plant.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
How our collards have
Over the past few weeks 4-2 collards have grown tremendously. From a tinny little seed they have blossomed into beautiful luscious leaves. They have transformed from a little seedling into a ready to harvest vegetable. However, we had a little help from sun to start of a cycle known non other then photosynthesis. Thanks to the sun trickling down its golden rays the light dependent reactions could occur. This when the energy is taken from the sun's rays and converted into oxygen, NADPH, and ATP. All this happens in the thylakode membrane. After all that the plant is not even close to being down. The calvin cycle still needs to occur. This is when six carbon molecules are combined with 5 carbon molecules to produce twelve 3 carbon molecule. Then, energy from ATP and energy from high energy electrons from NADPH are used to convert the tweleve 3-carbon molecules into high energy forms. Two of these 3-carbon molecules are used to make a 6-carbon sugar. The 10 remaining molecules are converted back into six 5-carbon molecules, which are used in the next cycle.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Letter of Gratitude: EGGS
Dear Eggs,
You have always been a great source of energy. When first wake up and trip down the stairs half asleep, i remember that you are waiting there waiting for me ready to be served up in any way i please. The things you bring to the table, literally and figuratively, always please me. Whether its proteins that fuel me before every soccer game, or the vitamin A that helps me see. Without it, my retinas would not be able to absorb light, therefore taking away my vision. Your vitamin A also strengthens my bones and my teeth. When I am at my house i never run out of you because of my chickens. I will always be thankful for you and your freshness, because a healthy breakfast is just a walk to my chicken coop and back.

You have always been a great source of energy. When first wake up and trip down the stairs half asleep, i remember that you are waiting there waiting for me ready to be served up in any way i please. The things you bring to the table, literally and figuratively, always please me. Whether its proteins that fuel me before every soccer game, or the vitamin A that helps me see. Without it, my retinas would not be able to absorb light, therefore taking away my vision. Your vitamin A also strengthens my bones and my teeth. When I am at my house i never run out of you because of my chickens. I will always be thankful for you and your freshness, because a healthy breakfast is just a walk to my chicken coop and back.
Show Your Food Some Gratitude
Dear Turkey,
It’s the time of the year when we see eachother again, yay! Well I am so thankful that you exist! I don’t cook you too much, sorry! It’s just you take way too much time but I finally made some arrangements to cook you again! You don’t always turn out so well, sometimes I burn you or something happens that you taste.. differently. Anyways you have so much calcium that helps me grow fast and strong! You even have less calories than chicken! Also you’re low on cholesterol less fat on my body. And you’re filled with protein which fills me up with energy. You also give me the right amount of sodium not too much not too little just the right amount. Thank you for giving me stay healthy around this time of the year!
Thanks again,
It’s the time of the year when we see eachother again, yay! Well I am so thankful that you exist! I don’t cook you too much, sorry! It’s just you take way too much time but I finally made some arrangements to cook you again! You don’t always turn out so well, sometimes I burn you or something happens that you taste.. differently. Anyways you have so much calcium that helps me grow fast and strong! You even have less calories than chicken! Also you’re low on cholesterol less fat on my body. And you’re filled with protein which fills me up with energy. You also give me the right amount of sodium not too much not too little just the right amount. Thank you for giving me stay healthy around this time of the year!
Thanks again,
Dear, Cranberries
I know I only eat you once a year, but that dose not mean I do not
value all the things you do for me. For as long as I can remember you have been
those colorful berries on my dining room table. I used to role you on the floor
when I was little and let the dog eat you. However, now that I am older
I really do appreciate all the things you do for my body I do. I love how you have
moderate levels of Vitamin C, dietary fiber and the
essential dietary
mineral, manganese,
as well as a balanced profile of other essential micronutrients. Not to mention antioxidant that you provide for my cells. Anyhow I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you. I know I won't see you again till next year, but i'll be thinking of you.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Should access to healthy food be a right for everyone?
Lauren Woolner
Period 4
Should Everyone Be Have Access To Healthy Food
Each year more and more Americans are diagnosed with type two diabetes. People not having access to the foods their bodies need to survive causes this life threatening disease. Diabetes and obesity are becoming more common with children born after the year 2000. Making healthy food accessible to all Americans no matter their position in society can solve this problem. Being able to provide families with healthy food is a pressing issue in our generation. Healthy food should be accessible by all Americans because it can help prevent type two diabetes and childhood obesity.
American’s right to a healthy diet has become more of a controversial topic in this generation due to the limited accessibility of nutritional foods. Leading experts at Food Inc. said children born after the year 2000 are at an all time risk for diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be common in adults, but since the increase in the fast food industry children are consuming more of the fats and starch (white potatoes) than ever. Parents that cannot afford healthy food or do not have time to get healthy produce, should not have to choose between giving their children healthy food or enough food.Each year more and more Americans are diagnosed with type two diabetes. People not having access to the foods their bodies need to survive causes this life threatening disease. Diabetes and obesity are becoming more common with children born after the year 2000. Making healthy food accessible to all Americans no matter their position in society can solve this problem. Being able to provide families with healthy food is a pressing issue in our generation. Healthy food should be accessible by all Americans because it can help prevent type two diabetes and childhood obesity.
America announced obesity as a medical condition in 2004. Obesity used to be a measurement on a medial scale now it is a disability. Since 73.9 million Americans make a minimum wage they cannot afford to buy fresh produce at farmers markets they are forced to by cheap unhealthy foods. Obesity leads to heart disease due to plaque buildup in the arteries, which is caused by hydrogenated oils and saturated fats in high sugar diets. About 17% of adolescents are obese in the United States alone. This percent increases with the amount of fast food chains that are created.
Even though Americans should have access to healthy foods because it leads to cholesterol, heart, and blood sugar problems, others might think that eating these foods are a good thing because its a cheap quick easy way to feed their families. For example, if your on a road trip and cannot stop to eat, having a quick and easy drive through can make your trip go a lot quicker. However, these foods are causing Americans to have type two diabetes and become morbidly obese. For these reasons, having access to a healthy diet should be a right for all Americans.
All in all, since middle class people cannot afford healthy diets and are forced to buy cheap fast foods it should be made available to them. Fast food restaurants trying to provide healthier choices to their menu could easily do this.
Food Inc. Persuasive Essay
Patrica Silva
Period 4
Food Inc. Persuasive Essay
Half of the people that eat their foods don't know what they eat. People eating hamburgers, pizza, and fries just see it as a tasty meal, but what they don't know is that meal they are eating has tons of fat. Everyone should have the right to access healthy foods because the people eat this food should be aware of the bad outcome of it.
I don't get the fact, why people don't have the knowledge food consequences, we eat these foods ourselves. Hamburgers have about 10-20 grams of fat, tacos have about 10-15 grams of fat. All these fats are not good fats, these are the unhealthy fats. People don't care what they eat as long as its good and cheap. Like the dollar menus, a hamburger, soda, and fries are all initially less than $5. All of that contains about 50 grams of fats. Some people can't afford to buy the fresh and expensive produce at their local supermarket.Another food miscommunication is the lack of food education. If half the people of our nation don’t know that french fries are over 100 calories, what will stop them from eating them? Maybe if these people actually knew what they were putting in their body, they would think twice about taking a bowl full of that triple chocolate sundae supreme... Personally if I knew that my food was flooded in calories, fats, and processed oil, I would definitely change my meal plan.
My opponent might say that companies and food producers really don’t care about the amount of food quality and nutrition that contains their products. They really just care about their profit, or how much money they will make off you as you purchase their items at the Grocery Store. For example, Tyson is one of the biggest selling food brands and they are also one of the most unhealthiest! Yet our people still buy Tyson products regardless. I say that the amount of food quality does matter. Our world isn’t doing so well with the idea of obesity and other food disorders. My point is that food nutrition is a big factor which holds the way our bodies will the function. “You are what you eat.” Eat healthy and be healthy...
Thank You Turkey
Dear Turkey,
I am so sorry you had to sacrifice yourself for my last thanksgiving dinner, but you were so delicious and helped keep my body healthy. The calcium in you that helped me maintain strong bones. The protein in you that helped my body tissues grow, resisting common diseases, and giving me energy. Not to mention all vitamins like Vitamin A, RAE, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. All these vitamins helped boost my immune system. There are also many other ingredients in you that helped me stay strong and healthy. And I am sorry that this year maybe one of your family members might have to sacrifice their life in order to help me stay healthy as well. So maybe I will right them a thank you letter also. Again I am so sorry that you had to sacrifice your life, but at least you helped me stay healthy. Thank you.
I am so sorry you had to sacrifice yourself for my last thanksgiving dinner, but you were so delicious and helped keep my body healthy. The calcium in you that helped me maintain strong bones. The protein in you that helped my body tissues grow, resisting common diseases, and giving me energy. Not to mention all vitamins like Vitamin A, RAE, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. All these vitamins helped boost my immune system. There are also many other ingredients in you that helped me stay strong and healthy. And I am sorry that this year maybe one of your family members might have to sacrifice their life in order to help me stay healthy as well. So maybe I will right them a thank you letter also. Again I am so sorry that you had to sacrifice your life, but at least you helped me stay healthy. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Should Access to Healthy Food be a Right for Everyone?
With a growing population, the U.S. has a shortage of jobs. Families are low on money and take whatever measures they need to support their family. One of the list toppers for a family's budget is food. Food is what you work for, food gives you energy, and food keeps you healthy if you eat the right kind. Yet, how can you eat right if eating right means going over budget? This is why obesity is so abundant. Families are forced to eat cheap and processed food instead of vegetables and fruit, which your body needs, because a head of broccoli costs more than three burgers off the dollar menu. In my opinion, all people should have the choice to buy and consume healthy foods.
Primarily, we need to give an option of healthy food for everyone because of obesity. A study shows that 1 out of 10 kids in the U.S. will have diabetes. It is increased to 1 out of 5 kids in minorities. There are thousands of fast food restaurants, everywhere you go. Part of obesity is ignorance and also temptation. When you're surrounded by fast food and sugar, some people can’t fight it. Sugar is addicting and it’s in everything unhealthy. It is a basically a drug, and people are eating it as if they were addicted to nicotine. Even schools are now feeding kids sugar-filled foods that are cheap, filling, and fattening.
I believe we should also cut down on the amount of restaurants in any town or city. If we were to instead just have a bunch of healthy restaurants that serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner and replace the old fast food ones with them, then I think the people of America would be a lot different. Many stores and restaurant are beginning to add more fruits and vegetables to their menus, but it is a very slow reform. When someone goes to Starbucks and there are a couple of bananas on a shelf next to donuts and scones and other delicious yet sugary things, ¾ of Americans will most likely choose the fat and sugar-based product.
Some people might argue these products are affordable, filling, and tasty. But these are the people who don’t understand where it comes from, how its made, or what it does to your body. The products they believe to be cheap and good are animals being fed chemicals to make them fatter in, while living in small pens with limited walking space knee deep in their own crap. Then they are slaughtered carelessly and basically shoved on a conveyer belt and grinded. There are up a thousand of different cows in one burger at a fast food restaurant.
The fast food industries are taking food to a new, industrialized level that is fueling the population obesity in America. Healthy food should be available to all people. We need to see that we the people are being tricked into eating unhealthy and inhumane food processed in factories. Either we stand up to these companies now or we could end up eating these terrible foods forever.
Food Labeling Abbie Meyer per.4
Should People Have The Right to Truly Know What Is In The Food They Purchase and Eat?
Many companies around america are processing foods in factories. Even animals are being treated unfairly in order to give their american consumers what they want in a short amount of time. All of this is done, without their consumers knowing it. They say it comes straight from a farm, but the truth is that it is coming straight from a factory. I believe that american citizens should have the right to truly know what is in the food they purchase and consume.
If all american citizens knew what was truly in their food, most of the factories that do not process and deliver their food carefully and safely, would be gone. And instead of those factories, there would be all natural and fresh humane farms (maybe factories) that are organic and treat their products with care. The reason why producers of big and successful producing companies do not want to their consumers to have the right to know, is because if they do know they wouldn’t be such a big production since they are producing in an un humanely way of making the food. In the ways of meat production, they force their animals to be cooped up in small, tightly packed areas. Then forced into these machines that kill them. Not only is this inhumane, but unsanitary. Many workers in these meat factories catch diseases and get very sick from them. Giving the right for american citizens to know what is in the food they purchase and consume, can help stop these factories that process foods un humanely, and instead help flourish the farms (and maybe factories) that are organic and treat their products with care.
America is one of the countries with the highest rate of obesity, this is because of the factories that produce products of high content of unknown sugar. Not to mention cheap substances they use on order to produce the product, so they can sell it at a low price to consumers. When the organic, all-natural producing companies use higher value, more expensive substances in order to create their products for their consumers. Round all that information into all the unhealthy products are cheaper than the healthy products. Most american citizens want to pay as less as they can, so they purchase the unhealthy products instead of the healthy products. This creates more factories that will make cheap and unhealthy products for their consumers and will go faster with high-tech machines in order to produce more food. Farmers want to have more humane, safe, and caring ways to produce their foods, but big money producing companies are forcing them to make the food inhumanely in order to make more money, and if the farmers do not follow the directions given to them, their farm is practically taken away. So farmers are producing unhealthy products for their customers, in order to make money. So if companies start to put on their food’s food labels telling everyone every product and where it came from, then more american citizens will become healthier since they truly know what is in the food they consume.
Although big producing companies (like Tyson, Coca-cola, and Monsanto), may say that their products would not sell as well as other healthier products. And if they put more sugar, corn syrup, and starch without consumers knowing, then the product would sell more, and the consumers would think it is healthy. Well, if big money making food companies are hiding all these secret unhealthy ingredients then they are considered to be untrustworthy. Then they are putting a name out to for america, saying that you shouldn’t trust what is in non-organic foods. Giving the right for american citizens to truly know what is in the foods they consume, so it would force the production of unhealthy foods into healthy foods.
Many products of unhealthy, non-organic foods that are being produced today in america, can abuse animals by shoving them in small spaces until they have to die and workers by working hard long hours for minimum wages. So give the right to american citizens to be able to know what truly is in foods, so that it can help stop the abuse, create trust in our food, and become a healthier america.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cell is like a castle cell is like a castle by Patricia Silva and Jocelyn Rodriguez
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
1.) Enzymes are complex proteins that work as catalyst in almost every biochemical reaction. Enzymes fall into three major classification which are metabolic enzymes, digestive, and food enzyme.
2.) I'm going to eat more fruits and diary. This would put less of a strain on my pancreas.
-Lauren Woolner, period 4
2.) I'm going to eat more fruits and diary. This would put less of a strain on my pancreas.
-Lauren Woolner, period 4
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I learned how enzymes give your body energy, help the digestive system, and also help you move your body move, talk, breath, behavior, & immune system. Overall enzymes help keep your body healthy.
From reading this article I will try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods that are not processed.
From reading this article I will try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods that are not processed.
1.Three things i learned about enzymes through this are over 5,000 enzymes have been discovered so far, the largest enzymes help you breath, talk, and move, and enzymes in raw foods help start the process of digestion and reduce the need to supply your body with digestive enzymes.
2. yes i would, i would start eating raw foods which would let me digest food easier and faster.
2. yes i would, i would start eating raw foods which would let me digest food easier and faster.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Story of the Seed Lab Report
Story of the Seed Lab Report
Collards: Water vs. Lemonade

Collards: Water vs. Lemonade
Introduction: As we know everyone likes lemonade. My group began to wonder, while drinking some ice cold lemonade, whether or not plants would also like the acidic and delicious drink. When we received our collards, we instantly realized we would get our chance to test this question we all had.

Water Vs Lemonade
Purpose: To test whether or not Lemonade will increase the growth rate of collard plants.
Hypothesis: We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize, the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group of water will let the plants flourish
-lemon juice
-Collard Seeds
-Graduated cylinders
1.Obtain 3 pots,soil, water, and some lemon juice.
2. Fill each pot with an even amount of the same potting soil and plant as many collard seeds as you would like in each pot.
3. Label the pots lemonade, 40% lemon juice,(our experimental groups) and water(our control group).
4. Find a place where each of the plants receive equal sunlight.
5.Water each plant with an equal amount of each solution.
6. Repeat step 5 for as many weeks as it takes for the collards to grow.
7. Record and analyze data every 3 days.
Observation & Data: In our lab we fed each group of seeds water, lemon juice, or mixture depending on the different group. Here are the observations that we recorded:
Days 1-4 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - the seeds started to sprout
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds stayed the same
Days 5-7 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew up to an inch
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds started to sprout
Days 8-10 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew 2 centimeters longer
*Lemon Juice - seeds stayed the same
*Mixture - the seeds stayed the same as the last recording
After a few more days the water seeds grew but the others had stopped. Which means that water is the best liquid for a plant to grow and survive. To summarize the data here is a table:
____ Lemon Juice _______ Mixture ___________ Water __________
# of Days: 1-4 1-4 1-4
Data Analysis: The control group of our experiment grew the fastest and tallest. Within the first 10 days it was 2 cnetimenters long. The mixture was the second fastest to grow even though they only sprouted in the first 10 days. The pure lemon juice killed the seeds and began to grow mold.
Discussion: Our hypothesis is "We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group will let the plants flourish." During this experiment our hypothesis was been proven correct. Even though the mixture group did sprout, it did not fully grow as much as the control group.
During this experiment we also were able to answer our questions that we had before the lab.
Question 1: Would the seeds that are being feed lemon juice and the mixture of lemon juice and water grow?
Answer to question 1: The seeds the had been feed the mixture did sprout, but the group of seeds that had been fed the lemon juice didn't sprout. They stayed the same.
Question 2: Which group of seeds would grow the most?
Answer to question 2: The group of seeds that grew the most was the control group. Since they have been fed water, and was shown in the lab that water was the best liquid to feed the seeds out of the 3 liquids chosen.
We also came up with 2 questions after we finished the lab.
Other questions after we finished the lab:
Is there another liquid that can help plants grow as much as water?
If there is, then what is it?
Through out this experiment we learned something that we did wrong at the end on the lab. Once we finnish recording our data, we are supposed to plant the seeds. But after we finished recording our data, we forgot to keep feeding the seeds, ending with dried up soil and dead seeds. We learned that we must keep feeding our seeds so that would not die.
For our experiment we don't think we could improve on the lab, besides feeding the plants everyday after recording all our data at the end of the experiment.
In the end, this lab had proven our hypothesis to be correct, by the control group (water) being able to help the plant grow the most.
5.Water each plant with an equal amount of each solution.
6. Repeat step 5 for as many weeks as it takes for the collards to grow.
7. Record and analyze data every 3 days.
Observation & Data: In our lab we fed each group of seeds water, lemon juice, or mixture depending on the different group. Here are the observations that we recorded:
Days 1-4 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - the seeds started to sprout
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds stayed the same
Days 5-7 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew up to an inch
*Lemon Juice group - the seeds stayed the same
*Mixture group - the seeds started to sprout
Days 8-10 of feeding the seeds:
*Water group - seed's stem grew 2 centimeters longer
*Lemon Juice - seeds stayed the same
*Mixture - the seeds stayed the same as the last recording
After a few more days the water seeds grew but the others had stopped. Which means that water is the best liquid for a plant to grow and survive. To summarize the data here is a table:
____ Lemon Juice _______ Mixture ___________ Water __________
# of Days: 1-4 1-4 1-4
Growth: No growth No growth Started to sprout
# of Days: 5-7 5-7 5-7
Growth: No growth Started to sprout The seed's stem grew an inch
# of Days: 8-10 8-10 8-10
Growth: No growth Stayed the same as last recording The seed's stem grew 2 cm
Data Analysis: The control group of our experiment grew the fastest and tallest. Within the first 10 days it was 2 cnetimenters long. The mixture was the second fastest to grow even though they only sprouted in the first 10 days. The pure lemon juice killed the seeds and began to grow mold.
Discussion: Our hypothesis is "We believe that lemonade will not accelerate the collards growth. Instead we hypothesize the lemonade will kill the plants, while the control group will let the plants flourish." During this experiment our hypothesis was been proven correct. Even though the mixture group did sprout, it did not fully grow as much as the control group.
During this experiment we also were able to answer our questions that we had before the lab.
Question 1: Would the seeds that are being feed lemon juice and the mixture of lemon juice and water grow?
Answer to question 1: The seeds the had been feed the mixture did sprout, but the group of seeds that had been fed the lemon juice didn't sprout. They stayed the same.
Question 2: Which group of seeds would grow the most?
Answer to question 2: The group of seeds that grew the most was the control group. Since they have been fed water, and was shown in the lab that water was the best liquid to feed the seeds out of the 3 liquids chosen.
We also came up with 2 questions after we finished the lab.
Other questions after we finished the lab:
Is there another liquid that can help plants grow as much as water?
If there is, then what is it?
Through out this experiment we learned something that we did wrong at the end on the lab. Once we finnish recording our data, we are supposed to plant the seeds. But after we finished recording our data, we forgot to keep feeding the seeds, ending with dried up soil and dead seeds. We learned that we must keep feeding our seeds so that would not die.
For our experiment we don't think we could improve on the lab, besides feeding the plants everyday after recording all our data at the end of the experiment.
In the end, this lab had proven our hypothesis to be correct, by the control group (water) being able to help the plant grow the most.
A Short Biography About Lauren
Hi, my name is Lauren Woolner and i'm from San Jose, California. I
currently have family in Dubai, United Kingdoms, and Italy. My dad left
london in his 20's and has lived here ever since.
Since my father grew up in the countryside, gardening has always been a big part of my family. We have grown everything from pumpkins to potatoes and every so often strawberries. From the I was able to walk, my dad has had me pulling weeds or planting seeds. Although gardening is by no means my favorite hobby or pass time I still try to plant new flowers every spring.
Since my father grew up in the countryside, gardening has always been a big part of my family. We have grown everything from pumpkins to potatoes and every so often strawberries. From the I was able to walk, my dad has had me pulling weeds or planting seeds. Although gardening is by no means my favorite hobby or pass time I still try to plant new flowers every spring.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
biography of patricia silva
Hi im Patricia Silva I went to willow glen elementry, middle and currentley now in high school . I lived in San jose for a few years and really liked it hear. I also experienced living in Arizona for a few years. I have lots of family every where and try to visit, but for now i'm liking San Jose.
I have had a few gardening experience. I used to love planting flowers even though I never got the hang of it. My old house I used to live in I always went out and used to water my plants, and love seeing them gow.
I have had a few gardening experience. I used to love planting flowers even though I never got the hang of it. My old house I used to live in I always went out and used to water my plants, and love seeing them gow.
Biography About Abbie Meyer
Hi my name is Abbie Meyer, and I am from San Jose, California. I went to Willow Glen Elementary, Willow Glen Middle, and I am now currently at Willow Glen High School.
I have a little bit of gardening experience with my grandparents. I used to garden with them at their church. At the garden we helped grow tomatoes, lettuce, squash, and a few other vegetables. Once they were all ripe and fully grown we would take the vegetables and give them to homeless shelters. I also helped my dad grow tomatoes every year to put in our salads.
It helps to have already known how to plant the seeds and feed it the right amount the way I learned from my dad and my grandparents.
I have a little bit of gardening experience with my grandparents. I used to garden with them at their church. At the garden we helped grow tomatoes, lettuce, squash, and a few other vegetables. Once they were all ripe and fully grown we would take the vegetables and give them to homeless shelters. I also helped my dad grow tomatoes every year to put in our salads.
It helps to have already known how to plant the seeds and feed it the right amount the way I learned from my dad and my grandparents.
Poet's Biography Billy Markham
My name is Billy Markham and I have lived in San Jose, California all my life. I have attended Willow Glen Elementary, Middle school, and am now enrolled in WGHS. I currently have family in Wyoming, Tennessee and Great Britain.
I have done some gardening in my life. I grew carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, and watermelons. However my biggest success was growing an 165 pound pumpkin which me and my father carved for halloween.
From my experience in gardening i know that you have to be very patient and caring with your plants.
My father is quite the gardener and loves to plant and harvest new plants each season. He knows how to grow plants by using the right soil, lots of water and planting in a sunny place.
My name is Billy Markham and I have lived in San Jose, California all my life. I have attended Willow Glen Elementary, Middle school, and am now enrolled in WGHS. I currently have family in Wyoming, Tennessee and Great Britain.
I have done some gardening in my life. I grew carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, and watermelons. However my biggest success was growing an 165 pound pumpkin which me and my father carved for halloween.
From my experience in gardening i know that you have to be very patient and caring with your plants.
My father is quite the gardener and loves to plant and harvest new plants each season. He knows how to grow plants by using the right soil, lots of water and planting in a sunny place.
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